Saturday, 29 January 2011

Its become an addiction!

I realised something the other day, ... ive become addicted to black library titles. Ive always read them alot for the past two years but it was only while contemplating finishing my latest book (Firedrake) that i realised i NEEDED another to tyde me over until my next order came in from waterstones, which wouldnt be for another week or so. Its pathetic really, i mean i could not go seven days without reading one. I contemplated reading some other good books, Bernard cromwell is an author ive thought of reading for some time, especially as im a big fan of the Sharpe series of TV episodes that were an adaptation of his fantastic series on the napoliaonic war between britain and france. As it would have it, i could not find myself not being without a title from the black library, as it would come to happen i eventually bought angels of darkness by Gav thorpe. Now i think any 40k fan worth his salt has read if not one than quite a few titles from this awsome publisher and im sure im not the only person out there who feels the same way about thier books. There are worse things to be addicted to i suppose - smoking, alchohol or world of warcraft :)


  1. I had the same problem, I just could not stop reading BL titles. Now though I have made a firm stance and started to read one non-Bl title in between. I have discovered far better and superior quality literature and and benefited from this move over all. Make no mistake, I still need my regular dose of BL - but not that often anymore.

  2. Any recomendations nightrunner? non black library i mean.

    I read alot of the space marine books, the stories really are nothing incredable to make them standout from the last one although i am really enjoying the tome of fire series (Salamander & Firedrake) and of course the horus heresy series is outstanding. Ive not really tried any of the fantasy titles they have published thus far.
