Sunday, 23 January 2011

Hunt for a Gaming club

Now i've realised in my years of flirting with several different games that Ipswich my home town is not a hotbed of gaming activity, frustratingly so infact which has added to the fact ive actually played far less than i would of liked the past few years.

New years resolution is to find a gaming club and make sure i play regularly, the search is on going but i have come up with a few leads. Dont get me wrong i enjoy games workshop, but i find some of their little rules a bit represive, end of the day we still all buy the products but they still enforce the rules of having an army fully painted.

Ok yeah i can understand it that it looks a whole lot better on the table and i would like nothing better than to have my army fully painted, but its not! ... If the store was open to the public when the ''club'' was playing i could understand it, but its not... its just the guys who turn up and play the games so why not just have an army with a few base coated minatures? it does not hurt anybody certainly not GW, and does not affect the way the army plays in the slightest.

sorry rant /cancel

its because of this i'm throwing my net wider to see if i can find a more lax (painting wise) gaming community. time will tell if i'm succesfull.

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