Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Jump pack Chaplain - A Gripe!

Dont you just love it when the postman comes and get given a large box! its especially awsome when its for you and you know it has your new gaming order inside.

my Army Painter dragon red has arrived from wayland games and im really looking forward to trying that papa out, also in my 40k care package was my jump pack chaplain i ordered for my Blood Angels.

As you can see the model looks great with a very dynamic pose, just what u want from you HQ choice and the model has alot of nice little details. I especially like his feet which to me make him look very knightly and gothic, just as a chaplain should be.

Now...onto my gripe, its a pretty obvious mistake for them to have made while sculpting and i dont know how it got through to the final model.
The Jump pack does not line up properly, it clashes with the shoulder pad holding the chaplains crosius power weapon, now its not really a huge gripe but the pack has to be positioned (as you can see from the pic) slightly on the wonk. Its not a total disaster as it makes him look like his twisting slightly in the air, but even so... its a bit of a bad point on what is otherwise a very nice model.

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