Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Blood Angels: an update

Ok an update on my blood angels...

Well i wish i could say more lol! RL (real life) so far has gotten in the way.

My weekends in the past fortnight have involved me being away up North in Stockton visiting relatives and down in London with the other half but this weekend being free (that im aware) im looking to finally finish up and preparing my marines for under coating and hopefully a bit of actual painting.

Im considering even taking them into work to paint them on my lunch break... may seem a little radical to some but it would be an hour or so without interuption!
If i did that for even just a week it would be five hours of painting i wouldnt normally do and hopefully should speed the process along so i can catch up on some time from the last fortnight

1 comment:

  1. I've had a small box with a couple of paints, brushes, a cup for water, a cloth for wiping brushes and 5-6 guardsmen with me over the summer. It fits perfectly into the bottom of my backpack, and if I find myself in a boring place for a couple of hours, I can dig it out and paint a layer or two.
    People do stop, stare and drop comments sometimes, but it's mostly positive things I hear :)
