Tuesday, 27 July 2010

My 750 pts core force for Ipswich Storm Lords

Hey guys, its been a long time coming but before Xmas 2009 i was doing my shopping and decided to enter my local GW, now...i usually forbid myself from doing so as i usually end up parting with a good amount of money, get the models home and then never get round to doing something with them. However this time its different (Pffft yeah yeah!!) well anyway im going off on a tangent...

i was handed a leaflet from the manager saying that they had started up a gaming club...all that i needed to do minimum was to have a 750 pt core army to start with fully painted!
Easier said than done i thought to myself, models not a prob i have those in spades...however ive never found the time to get them together and painted.

I left the shop determined to get this done, ive never played 40k properly in an organised environment, and its always been on my to do list. Now 7 months on... im still no further ahead!!

Bust as i write this post i have infront of me the starting blocks of my new Blood Angels army.

So why did i choose Blood Angels??
Ive always liked and been a fan of space marines but i wanted to have a chapter that had a great amount of depth.
Ultramarines and Imperial Fists i find to clean cut.
Space wolves?...well they arnt bad but i fond the grey armour dull and with me finding it hard to focus on painting as it is i wanted to give myself the greatest chance of staying focused.
Dark Angels?... i like the look especially with the newer models having the hoods and tabards but still they just didnt do it for me.
...Blood Angels??? the main reason i chose them was because of the Extra colour i feel they bring to the tabletop. with the nice red armour and the different coloured Helms i thought i would have something that would keep me interested during the painting process. Back that up with an awsome history and variety of units and i was hooked.

Right now i am working on my first assult squad, setting myself small targets throughout the week with the aim of gradually building on what ive done a day or two before. Little and often hopefully will see me finish them in a good amount of time.

The list im aiming to field for 750 points is thus.

+Jump Pack
155 pts

10 Man Assult Squad
+Two Infernus Pistols
+Power Weapon
235 pts

10 Man Tactical Squad
+Plasma Gun
+Rhino with Extra Armour
255 pts

Sanguinary Priest
+Jump Pack
+Power Sword
100 pts

Total: 745 pts

I know ive fallen a bit short of 750, however im just trying to get the feel of what i will be doing and as a core of an army i think its pretty solid. one thing i did think of doing was dropping the extra armour from the rhino leaving out the priest and taking a Baal predator... or i could add another assult squad of five marines instead of the priest? i will see how things go ^^

the Reclusiarch will join my assult squad giving them more added punch on the charge with Lithurgies of Blood... add this to the sanguinary priests feel no pain and Furious charge and im looking to wreck any unit i assult in one turn

For Anti-Armour/Troops and objectives i will be looking to bring up my tactical squad in their Rhino, the idea i have is to have them in a good vantage point contorling the battlefiled with the Las Cannon picking off any Armour and if any infantry get close to their position i will have the rapid fire with bolters and the plasma gun

I will add some pics of my army once things start to move along. For now thanks for reading.